Set up over 33 years ago with a simple ethos “to give children and young people in care stability, beautiful homes, support and time to heal”
Based in Berkshire, South Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hampshire. Calcot Services for Children provides warm, caring, family style homes for looked after children with emotional, learning, social and behavioural difficulties who for whatever reason are unable to live with their family. Children placed in our homes may be at risk of absconding, sexual exploitation, offending behaviours, non-engagement in education, self-harming behaviours and may in their past have been subjects of/witnesses to physical, emotional, sexual abuse, neglect and domestic violence. Children placed may have had numerous placement breakdowns in the past, come from a failed fostering and adoption or living with Calcot Services for Children may be their first care placement.
Over the years we have worked tirelessly to develop our services to achieve placement goals and the best possible outcomes for our children and young people and these have been recognised and celebrated by placing authorities, Ofsted, their own families, external agencies, awarding bodies and within the sector.
We have achieved this by using therapeutic principles within our daily interactions, communications and practice within our homes and by using other recognised approaches such as cognitive behavioural therapies, psychodynamic counselling, observational studies, restorative justice principles, task-centred practice, crisis intervention, creative care planning and child focused individual care pathways.
Calcot Services for Children are able to provide all young people residing in our homes access to education at our schools; Eton Dorney Therapeutic School in Buckinghamshire, Huckleberry School in Oxfordshire, The Mile House Therapeutic School in Berkshire, or through Exceed Outreach Education.
To request a copy of our Statement of Purpose, please call our team on 01189 952190 or email us at
We will continue to rebuild the lives of vulnerable children enabling them to heal from neglect and trauma and look forward to a brighter future.
We pride ourselves on having created a unique ethos which is practised throughout our communities and which forms the basis for our person specification qualities.
These are warmth, genuineness, integrity, honesty, commitment, experience, knowledge, compassion, the ability to celebrate diversity, humour, empathy and respect for others.